Sunday, March 3, 2013

Thoughts About Action Research

What is action research?

Action research is a method of professional development within an administrator using self-discovery. Action research involves five steps – pose questions, collect data, analyze the data, make changes, and finally share your findings. This is where this blog comes into play, it will serve as a news medium with which I can share the discoveries I make while performing my research.

Action research represents a change in the way that research is used in education. Research had previously been done by outsiders then presented to administrators to be used in their districts. It was to some degree a one size fits most arrangement.  Administrators were given information which they were then expected to make fit their situation. With action research, teachers and administrators have taken a larger role in determining not only what the issues are, but also what solutions make work for their district in solving them. It is this process of action research that gives administrators an opportunity to gain insights into not only what other researchers are saying on the topic, but also what might be actually working for their campus or district.

How might I be able to use it?

In the first part of this course, we have to explore various possibilities for action research investigations. This has led me to think of several areas which I could apply this method.  While I am a big believer in looking in the window of people that are being successful to see what they are doing, I also realize that no two situations are completely identical.  I believe action research allows you to take into account what might work for others and still adapt and change it to work for your district.  With that being said I can think of several areas where we could put this into effect at my district.  The challenge now has become choosing a topic with which I could enact the most positive change for both our students and faculty.

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