Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Action Research Plan

Well I am not sure this is correct but here it is.  As I began to type up the plan it started to look like this may not be a subject with enough depth to it, but it is what I have been discussing with my site supervisor.  That being said there is a chance that we are going to change principals and this whole idea may fall apart.  At any rate here is the first draft.

Action Planning Template
Goal: To show that character education would reduce the number of referrals in the freshman class.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

1.  Met with site supervisor and select an action research topic.

Trey Gardner
Carrie Conley

March 2013

List of topics, internship plan

Develop action research question and goal.

2.  Gather data on number of referrals for the freshman class before class was instituted.

Trey Gardner
Carrie Conley

June 2013

Student Discipline Files
for 2012-2013

Compile data into “Before” spreadsheet

3.  Gather data on number of referrals for the freshman class after class was instituted.

Trey Gardner
Carrie Conley

May 2014

Student Discipline Files for 2013-2014

Compile data into “After” spreadsheet

4.  Survey students about their personal experience with the character education class.

Trey Gardner

May 2014

Student surveys for freshman class

Summaries of surveys

5.  Research and read current research on character education.

Trey Gardner

May 2014

Internet search engines

Printouts of current literature

6.  Compile data into one report

Trey Gardner

May 2014

Both data spreadsheets, survey summaries, professional literature

Create final action research report

7.  Present information to principal and superintendent

Trey Gardner
Carrie Conley
Amy Jacobs

June 2014

Final action research report

Feedback from principal and superintendent

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)


  1. Trey, I think character education is very important and should help students with behavior issues. I do have a few questions. Between steps 2 and 3, are you involved with creating the character education curriculum, or is this something that is already being used on your campus and you are simply studying the effectiveness? Will you be instrumental in making sure the character education classes are following or adhering to certain guidelines in order to insure its effectiveness?
    This is a necessary topic to study. I hope you get a signature from your current administrator on your plan and, if you do have a new administrator next year, are allowed to continue your research.

    1. I am pretty sure I will have some say in it as long as we keep our principal. I did not think of adding that as a step but have gone back and added it thanks.

  2. Nice outline. Looks similar to mine as far answering the questions about what your doing, whose doing what, when its due and what the evaluation will be. I too at first was a little skeptical on how mine will look. But I just went with it and rolled the dice. I like your idea of research. One little piece of advice I'd share with you is to look into Character That is a website we were using quite frequently last year in school. I felt that the upperclassmen were to immature for it, but its something to look into definitely with freshman. I teach it a little bit of it in my freshman video class.

  3. Trey, your action research plan looks great. Would you mind looking at mine ?

  4. I really like your plan, I think it is important to be proactive with freshman. Hopefully the freshman will be truthful in their surveys so you can get some useful feedback.
