Sunday, March 10, 2013

Choosing A Topic

     When I first saw what this course was to be over I was not sure that I would be able to come up with a suitable topic.  Now was we are in week two between speaking to my site supervisor, hearing the lectures, and reading other students post I am now not sure I can narrow it down to one I want to do.  Every idea I hear seems to be a good one.  While I do think I have decided on a topic every suggestion seems to try to pull me away to a new one.  I guess I am beginning to see the usefulness of action research and how it could be used to solve several issues in our profession.

1 comment:

  1. I have found myself doing the same thing. As I hear my other classmates share their action research ideas, I am almost envious that I didn't think of them! HAHA! Like you, I was very worried in the beginning that I couldn't come up with something to research. Now, I feel like I have a much better understanding about what it is we are supposed to be doing. I hope all goes well!
